Posted November 21, 2014 in Personal Reflection

My Best Win…So Far

Being on the last leg of the semester and heading into the holidays left me little time to blog over the last few days. Fortunately, I have been able to keep up with the World Championship and despite the closing window of opportunity, I continue to cheer for Anand. However, this week brought me a semi-championship of my own in terms of my personal chess growth: my highest-rated win…ever.

Earlier this week, I beat a 1400 ELO rated player at 24hrs per move on This was an exceptional win and going back over the moves, it has become one of my personal favorite games I have ever played. Normally, I would wait for the weekend review to annotate this game, but I just could not wait!

Black could have continued to play, but his position was severely compromised. It was an important victory for me, especially considering my recent struggles. Check back Sunday for Weekend Review as I cover two more important 24 hour games!